
Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership


A Hot on Yoga Membership is the best value of all the packages we offer. Benefits include:


  • No sign-up or termination fee
  • Unlimited classes
  • Priority Check-in
  • Free Mat Rental
  • Discounted rate on Special Classes and Workshops
  • Discounted Rate on Teacher Training
  • Unlimited Guest Passes for 1st time visitors (Must accompany member to class and have never been to the studio before)
  • One complimentary Hot on Yoga gift
  • $20 Account Credit for referring a student who enrolls in Auto-Pay Membership
  • 10% discount on regularly priced merchandise
  • One free pause to your Membership (Limit 1x per year for up to 60 days; must be in writing. Additional pauses are $25/month)
  • Cancel anytime with 30-days’ notice in writing


Terms & Conditions

Memberships require a credit card on file for auto-renewal and will begin on the day of purchase. No refunds are given for purchases or renewals already made. Memberships are non-transferrable.

First and last month of membership are due up front. If you purchase a membership online, we will add your last month of Membership onto your account using your card on file and a receipt will be sent to you.

A discounted introductory membership will not be available to a member again, including for membership lapses, cancellations and subsequent renewals or other reasons.

Cancellation is based on your billing cycle. Hot On Yoga does not prorate months of membership.
 You are able to cancel your Auto Pay Membership by giving 30 calendar days written notice, via email to [email protected], prior to the monthly billing date on which you wish to cancel your membership. If notification is received less than 30 calendar days prior to your monthly billing date, your pre-paid last month of Membership will be applied and your membership will be cancelled as of the next closest billing period whose monthly billing date is greater than or equal to 30 calendar days from the date on which the cancellation notice was received.