

affordable yoga

Affordable Yoga in NYC

It’s silly how some of us spend our money. We don’t hesitate to shell out 5$ on a sugary coffee drink or 50$ dollars on dinner out with friends, but when it comes to a workout class we think twice before spending money. Good thing Hot On Yoga has you covered with plenty of affordable yoga & hot yoga class options in the heart of NYC.

We believe everyone has a right to exercise in a spiritually nurturing environment, therefore, we made sure our classes don’t break the bank.

There can be something funny about spending money on fitness. After all, we can just put on our fitness gear and go for a jog outside, weather permitting. Perhaps we can setup our own makeshift studio at home and do some youtube yoga. However, it’s never quite the same as going into the studio. There is something magical about exercising as a group with our fellow yogis. When we all come together and combine our energies it shows in our practice. As social beings, we feel more alive around others, and even more so in a workout environment.

One thing you cannot get outside of Hot On Yoga studios is the encouragement from our instructors.

Considering all of the above, there really isn’t a price tag to put on our classes. Still, we know our yogis deserve affordable yoga in an atmosphere that promotes health, fitness, and spiritual well-being.

Affordable Yoga